lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

Mikhail Gorbachev

Gorbachev was born in 1931, studied law at Moscow University in the 1950s, became a persuasive speaker. Worked as a local Communist Party official. By 1978 he was member of he central Committee of he party in charge of agriculture. In 1980 he joined the Poliburo. In 1985 he became leader of the USSR. In 1990 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Resultado de imagen para Gorbachev
Gorbachev change eastern Europe in 1985 when he became leader of he USSR. People was thanked because they were free after 45 years of suppression and authoritarian rule under Communism. Europeans, from children to adults, said he made fairy tales come true. Mostly, people admire him because he want peace in Eastern Europe, so not only Soviets were thankful, also Europeans, Americans and Africans who want peace and not another war.
When he became leader of the USSR it was in crisis. However, Gorbachev was different, he want to make Soviets work and stop spending money on the arms race. He granted people total freedom to practise their faith, a work and a home. He removed the Berlin Wall. He destroy a big part of nuclear weapons. He got an idea of openness and restructuring eastern Europe, he allowed market forces to be introduced into the Soviet economy. He gave a lot of speeches talking about international trust and cooperation as the way forward for the USSR. He introduced a policy where neither USA nor the Soviet Union were able to force its will on others. 
Resultado de imagen para Gorbachev and reagan
Gorbachev and Reagan(leader of US) singing the policy

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