lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

Nikita Khrushchev

Nikita Khrushchev was born 1894, son of coal miner, fought in the Red Army during the Civil War. Worked for the communist Party in Moscow. In 1949 run Soviet agriculture. In 1955 he succeed Stalin, in 1964 was forced into retirment and in 1971 he died.
Resultado de imagen para nikita Khrushchev
Stalin died in 1953, there were a lot of questions of who would succeed Stalin. In 1955 Nikita khrushchev emerged, he was very different from Stalin, he ended the feuds with China and Yugoslavia. He talked of peaceful co-existance with the west. He made plans to reduce expenditure on arms. He attended the first post war summit between the USSR, the USA, France and Britian in July 1955.  Wanted to improve living standars. He closed down Cominform, he gave much independence to the Eastern Europe countries.
Resultado de imagen para nikita Khrushchev CARTOON
This cartoon represents how Khrushchev was drilling trough the cold war, published in 1959.
In 1956 Khrushchev made attacks on Stalin, he denounced him as a wicked tryant enemy of people and kept all power to him self. So he made "De-Stalinisation" in Rusia; He realased more political prisoners, he closed down Cominform as part of his policy of reconcilation with Yugoslavia, he invited Marshal Tito to Moscow and he dismissed Stalin`s minister, Molotov.

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